Nov 1, 2011

4th Quarter Demo Reel

Didn't I complain about my lack of updates last time?
Hello again folks, here it is, my demo reel for my fourth quarter-year at the Centre. Now complete with prop and character models, as well as a textured tank, some compositing, and some new animations in 3D and 2D.

Q4 Demo Reel - Jeremy Richard from Jeremy Richard on Vimeo.

Since I've made this, I've redone my character model and completely rigged him (minus the blend shapes, which I'm currently in the process of doing). Expect me to finally get my act together and post in another few months with my fully rigged character and the game design from the quarter I just posted (the one with the cute slug and that tentacled thing). Until then, enjoy my reel!
--Jeremy Richard
1 Nov. 2011