Mar 11, 2013

Updating again!

Hey hey hey guys, I know it's been a long time, but I'm finally going to be updating here again! I was going to notify you guys about my hiatus when I somehow got hired at Copernicus Studios for 6 weeks (my LinkedIn still says I work there, but that's only because I can't figure out how to change it), but I kinda got wrapped up with that, and the last 5-ish months since then have basically been a mixture of a fruitless job search, lots of personal problems, and failing tablet. Now that I've managed to get a more humble job to tide me over until I can get an animation gig again, I've bought myself a new tablet and will be doing some more models, rigs, and especially animations to make a completely new demo reel that I can be satisfied with. I've still been doing some classical drawing (thanks to my new drawing desk!), so I'll share a few cool pictures I did with you.
Dogcar matte painting, finished.

Same, but minimalist version. Makes a great background picture.

Picture of a friend.

Picture of another friend's OC.

Picture of my OC. Massive yellow glare from overhead
light going on, and I've shaded it since taking this.

I also made a picture of Gastrodon (from Pokemon) for my brother, but I apparently didn't take a picture of it, so maybe I can convince him to scan it and I'll post it here next time. I'll also try to get some flash animations, and probably a good environment model. So yeah! Nice to see you here again, and I hope you all have a good time! Enjoy the wait until my next groovy demo reel!
--Jeremy Richard

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